Caricature Artist Available For Weddings in 2022

Based out of Dallas/Fort Worth, Ronnie Smith Caricatures provides a unique party favor. Formerly a full-time graphic designer and illustrator, Ronnie Smith delights his onlookers at parties by using his creative eye and precise attention to each individual person’s face to create one-of-a-kind drawings of all of your party attendees. Ronnie is an artist who is dedicated to helping his clients host an evening they won’t soon forget.

With most party favor entertainment, it’s a collective experience that is soon forgotten shortly after the performers exit the party. However, with a caricaturist like Ronnie, the guests receive a fantastic memento to take home them. It’s not unusual for caricature artists to hear their previous customers who they happen to run into, tell the artist that they already have a drawing done by him of their family and that they have it framed and placed up on a wall in their homes. As most wedding guests and planners know, there aren’t too many things that happen during a wedding day that can go on to last a lifetime, which makes your hiring a caricature artist the best party favor for your wedding.

Booking caricaturists for your wedding and having them set up is hassle free. A caricaturist can simply walk into your venue, see where the 3 empty chairs are and, set up his equipment and supplies to get the ball rolling. Caricature artists take up very little space, which is sometimes a concern at the smaller venues. Finally, a caricaturist is usually flexible with the requests of his subjects, For example, they may want to be drawn either individually or as a couple. Sometimes large groups or large families want to be drawn on one sheet of paper & we’re okay with that. And, yes, babies are not a problem for caricaturists to draw, even if they’re sleeping.